Inbuilt rainwater harvesting house

4:20 AM OsmanKaraeski 0 Comments

Modern contemporary mix house in Kerala. Total area of this house is 2000 Square Feet (186 Square Meter) (222 Square Yards). Designed by Thomas Associates, Kottayam, Kerala.

Square feet Details
Total Area : 2000 sq.ft.
Ground floor : 2 bedroom
First floor : 2 bedrooms
Design style : Modern contemporary mix
House design

Facilities in this house

Ground Floor

  • Porch

  • Veranda

  • Living

  • drawing room

  • Dining

  • 2 Bed Room

  • Kitchen

  • Work Area

First Floor

  • Family sitting

  • 2 Bed Room

  • Balcony

  • Open terrace

Thomas Associates

Other Designs by Thomas Associates

For more information of this house, contact
Architect:Thomas Associates, Designers and Builders(House design in Kottayam)
Thiruvalla, Kottayam, Kerala
PH:+91 9995541087, off: 04816556554