2500 sq.feet sloping roof home design
2990 square feet (287 square meter)(332 square yards) single storey 4 bedroom home design by Purple Builders, Thodupuzha, KeralaThe house has an open ‘NADUMUTTAM’ which is not inside but outside the house but well secured. There will be a level difference between living rooms and other rooms. The dining room opens to a patio, with French windows, from patio there is an access to ‘Nadumuttam’. From living room also there is an access to ‘Nadumuttam’.

There is a prayer area along with a light courtyard. All the bedrooms are attached +dress+wet and dry area. The kitchen will have a coffee table space. And the work area. Access to utility area is from the rear(roof top area).
Further the house consists of 4 bed room attached,dining room, kitchen,work area ,car porch and patio.
To know more about this Western model house, contact [House design in Thodupuzha, Kerala]
Designer: Jaison Mathew
Purple Builders
Thodupuzha, Idukki
Ph:+91 9495602810
Email: purplebuilders@gmail.com