House designs of February 2014
2486 Square Feet (231 Square Meter)(276 Square Yards) 4 bedroom house. Designed by M.V Sajeesh, Scientific Ink Eng. Consultancy, Sultanate of OmanSquare feet details
Ground floor : 1302 square feet
First floor : 1184 square feet
Total Area : 2486 square feet
No. of bedrooms : 4

Facilities in this house
- Bed room : 4 nos
- Sit out & Balcony
- Living
- Central Courtyard
- Upper living
- Bath rooms 4 (all Attached)
- Kitchen
- W/A
For more information about this home
Scientific Ink Eng. Consultancy
Designer: M.V Sajeesh
Sultanate of Oman
PH: 00968 95 40 41 42