Traditional luxury house in Kerala
3 bedroom attached small budget double storied house, which have the total area of 1295 square feet (120 square meter) (144 square yards). The estimated cost of this Modern contemporary style house is Rs. 18 lakhs* (around $29,578*). Designed by Greenline Architects & Builders, Calicut, Kerala.House Square Feet Details
Ground floor : 950 sq. ft.
First floor : 345 sq. ft.
Total area : 1295 sq. ft.
Bedroom : 3
Bathroom : 3
Estimated Cost Of Construction : 18 Lakhs* (*May change time to time)
Design style : Modern

Facilities in this house
- Porch
- Sit Out
- Living
- Dining
- Bedroom
- Bathroom
- Store
- Kitchen
- Work Area
- Balcony
- Open terrace

Other Designs by Greenline Architects
For more details of this home, contact (Home design in Calicut [Kozhikode])
Greenline Architects & Builders
Akkai Tower,
1 st floor,
Thali cross Road, Calicut
Mob:+91 8086139096,9846295201,0495-4050201