255 square yards contemporary house
5 bedroom luxury house plan in 4072 Square Feet (378 Square Meter) (452 Square Yards). Designed by Irfan Architects, Kasaragod, Kerala.Square feet details
Ground floor : 2646 sq.ft.
First floor : 1426 sq.ft.
Total area : 4072 sq.ft.
Bedrooms : 5
Bathrooms attached : 3
Design style : Colonial mix

Facilities in this house
Ground floor
- Sit out
- Living Room
- Dining
- Office Room - 1
- Bed Room - 3 Attached toilets
- Common toilet & bath
- Kitchen
- Store room
- Work Area
First floor
- Bed Room - 2 Attached toilets
- Family Hall
- Balcony
- Dormer windows
To know more about this home, contact [House design Kasaragod]
Irfan Architects and Interior Designers
Manjeshwar, Kasaragod - 671323
Phone : +91 9746911694
Email: irfanudyawar@gmail.com